holistic tool
VIGLS is a holistic tool intended to help you develop a deeper understanding of who you are as a leader by enhancing the metacognitive process of ‘thinking about thinking’ to guide you through your journey to transform your mindset and become a self-empowered leader who disrupts with purpose.
Self-empowered leaders tackle complex business problems by maintaining a perpetual state of readiness, curiosity, and innovation. VIGLS is a tool that supports a leader’s continuous vigilance and dedication to their personal and professional growth journey. By staying vigilant, leaders remain alert and proactive in recognizing areas for improvement, embracing learning opportunities, and adapting to shifts in the business landscape. In the realm of disruptive problem-solutioning, VIGLS epitomizes a leader's commitment to remaining alert and responsive to emerging challenges and opportunities to deliver excellence.
VISIONAssesses a leader's ability to guide their organization and team by articulating and executing a compelling vision. Through assessments like Core Value Alignment, Workplace Accountability Fear Scale, and the Hamster Wheel EffectTM, leaders gain insight into their ability to inspire progress and foster a culture of accountability. Core Value Alignment (Access to assessment requires purchase of the Escaping Hamster Wheel Workbook) Workplace Accountability Fear-Scale Hamster Wheel EffectTM
INSPIREFocuses on a leader's ability to motivate and influence others positively. Assessments such as Integrity & Ethics, Emotional Intelligence, and Self-Empowerment evaluate a leader's ability to inspire trust, make sound decisions, and empower their team members effectively. Integrity & Ethics Emotional Intelligence Self-Empowerment
GUIDEEmphasizes a leader's role in providing guidance and support to both them and their team members. Assessments such as Self-Empathy and Employee Empathy evaluate a leader's ability to understand and empathize with their own emotions as well as those of their employees, fostering a culture of empathy and support within the organization. Self-Empathy Employee Empathy
LEADERSHIPEncompasses a leader's overarching approach, traits, and influence on their team and organization. The Leadership Bias, Leadership Persona, Leadership Style, and Leadership Adoption Profile assessments provide insight into a leader's biases, personality traits, preferred leadership style, and their impact on the team and organization. Leadership Bias Leadership Persona Leadership Style Leadership Adoption Profile
STRIVEAssesses a leader's drive and determination to innovate, challenge the status quo, and foster positive change. Assessments such as Purposeful Disruptive Approach to Change, Trust and Delegation, and Social Diffusion evaluate a leader's ability to drive innovation, inspire trust, delegate effectively, and navigate social dynamics to achieve meaningful progress and growth. Disruptive Leadership Purposeful Disruptive Approach to Change Trust and Delegation